Hua Tian

Hua did her PhD at the University of Manchester with Prof. Nick Lockyer and John Vickerman, focusing on the biological imaging using SIMS, then did postdoc at Pennsylvania State University (PSU) with Prof. Nicholas Winograd. She is now Visiting Associate Professor at the University of Pittsburgh. Her lab focuses on developing high-resolution gas cluster ion beam secondary ion mass spectrometry (GCIB-SIMS), such as water cluster ion beam for high chemical sensitivity and spatial resolution, and the methodologies to integrate the multiomics in the single cell. She is also interested in the biological and pharmaceutical applications of GCIB-SIMS for multiplexing imaging of tumor microenvironment, diseased tissues and subcellular drug metabolism. She received several grants from NIH, including Human Biomolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP). Her innovative mass spectrometry imaging is the only SIMS project being funded by HuBMAP. Hua has published papers in high-profile journals such as Science, Angewante Chemie, and Analytical Chemistry.